Our Promise: Exceptional, White Glove Service

Most people are familiar with white glove service when it comes to fine dining, luxury accommodations, and high-end shopping experiences. It means above-and-beyond customer attention that leaves them feeling privileged, well taken care of, and satisfied with the service received.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that white glove service is synonymous with elite products and services intended for the upper class—luxury automobiles, designer clothing, exclusive resorts, and more. However, in today’s marketplace, we’re seeing this elevated level of customer attention serving as the hallmark of well-intended companies that are customer-centric brands for the everyday consumer.

Smart Green Solar is one such company, which has reinvented the residential solar process for Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut homeowners. While most solar companies are complacent with standard business practices and typical customer service, Smart Green Solar has pivoted in the opposite direction—focusing intently on white glove service from sign-up through post-installation.

White glove service in the solar industry means covering every customer need throughout the process so homeowners aren’t doing any of the heavy lifting or missing any steps. Smart Green Solar takes the burden off the customer and offers them a luxury solar experience. This includes:


  • Welcome call
  • CAD designs
  • Utility company registration
  • Building permits filed
  • Electrical permits filed
  • Constant customer communication

Installation Day:

  • Comprehensive preinstallation checklist
  • Equipment delivered
  • Installation schedule
  • Equipment installed
  • Equipment tested
  • Home and yard cleaned up


  • Installation form completed
  • Building inspection passed
  • Electrical inspection passed
  • Utility inspection passed
  • Solar production app downloaded
  • System activated
  • Customer trained

Many solar companies today operate with a minimalist approach, leaving some tasks to the homeowner and offering very little guidance or support. This leaves them feeling anxious about their new solar system and unappreciated as a new solar customer. Smart Green Solar believes that the only way to offer solar in today’s marketplace is with white glove service, considering the education needed, various steps in the process, and being a major adjustment for homeowners.    

Considering solar? Use our Solar Savings Calculator to obtain a custom solar savings estimate for your home. We invite you to learn more about Smart Green Solar, our core values and our unique approach–which has led to us becoming a leading full-service provider in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.

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Solar Installers at work - Smart Green Solar